
RAD150 Powder - 2 grams

An esterified version of RAD140, that has a longer half-life


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US Warehouse - Available

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RAD150 Powder vs Liquid

Both liquid and powder versions forms have advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which form to purchase depends on various factors.

RAD150 Powder Pros

  • In general, our SARMs powders are cheaper than our liquid SARMs.
  • RAD150 powder will have a longer shelf-life than our liquid version.

RAD150 Powder Cons

  • For the most part, you can't use the powder for research as is, you will need to prepare a liquid solution to use it.
  • You will need a milligram scale to use this product. (Either to prepare a liquid solution or to measure to the desired amount)

How to Prepare RAD150 Liquid from Powder

To dissolve RAD150 powder in a liquid form, you'll need to create a homogeneous mixture to ensure that the powder is evenly distributed throughout the liquid. The method you use will depend on the specific supplement and its solubility. You'll also need to use the right solvent.

Follow the following steps to create a liquid RAD150 from our powder:

  1. Use one of the following solvents:  Propylene Glycol, DMSO, or PEG400. At Sarmful, we use PEG400.
  2. Measure the quantities: Determine the correct dosage of the powder supplement you want to take and measure it with a scale or a measuring spoon. For example to make a 25mg/ml liquid RAD150 (like the one we sell on our website), use the whole 2 grams of RAD150  you get with this bag, and also measure 133.33 ml of PEG400.
  3. Gradually add the powder to the liquid: Slowly add the powder to the liquid while stirring continuously. You can use a spoon the mixing. Avoid adding the powder too quickly, as it may clump together and make it difficult to achieve an even solution.
  4. Stir thoroughly: Stir the mixture thoroughly and vigorously to ensure the powder is well dispersed in the liquid. Continue stirring until you no longer see any clumps or visible particles.
  5. Let it sit: Depending on the supplement, you might need to let the mixture sit for a few minutes to improve dissolution. Some SARMs require more time to dissolve fully.

Store the liquid RAD150 properly: Store it in a sealed container in a cool, dry place.

Please note that while you can prepare the liquid yourself, we recommend that you purchase a ready-to-use liquid.



