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LGD4033 (Ligandrol)

A Popular SARM undergoing clinical research.


Looking for LGD4033 for sale? (Ligandrol) at our store, you can easily buy LGD4033 online. LGD4033 is a popular “dry” SARM undergoing clinical research.

  • Active Ingredient: LGD4033
  • Strength: 10mg/ml
  • Each Bottle Contains: 30mg
EU Flag This product is shipped domestically from the EU.
US Flag This product is shipped domestically from the US.

Data on our Liquid LGD4033 for Sale

Synonyms Ligandrol
Concentration 10mg per ml
Solvent USP Grade Polyethylene Glycol 400
Molar Mass 338.25 g/mol
CAS 1165910-22-4
Chemical Formula

This product is for laboratory research and is not approved by the FDA for human use. LGD4033 IS NOT A DIETARY SUPPLEMENT.


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