
Kisspeptin 10 (5mg)

Regulator of GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone)


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Kisspeptin peptide is a hormone-signaling protein naturally produced in the human body. In the brain, Kisspeptin signaling controls hormone release related to the human reproductive system. Some studies are currently undergoing to determine how Kisspeptin impacts testosterone levels and sex-related behaviors, including factors such as sexual drive and motivation [1,2].

Kisspeptin-10 Benefits

Sex Hormones effect

kisspeptin has been found to change the regular release patterns of Luteinizing hormone (LH) in men, helping to normalize sex hormone levels.  kisspeptin given to healthy men resulted in increased LH and testosterone levels overall. But it is important to note that at high doses, kisspeptin-10 can cause a hormonal disruption which may cause a continuous LH release [2].

Energy and Reproduction

Kisspeptin production and release play a role in energy levels and may regulate the energetic balance. A study conducted on mice with the kisspeptin receptor (Kiss1r) removed have shown to have an overall increased fat tissue and lower energy levels. This is explained due to the fact that kisspeptin receptors are found in white and brown fat tissue, which further suggests a connection between kisspeptin and positive energy balance. The link between energy levels and reproductive health indicates the involvement of kisspeptin in energy modulation during reproduction activities [3].


Melanoma Spreading stop

Kisspeptin is shown , in a study, to suppress the spread of melanoma; a dangerous and malignant form of skin cancer. It does this by lowering the ability of cancer cells to form cell bonding and prevent cancer cells from reaching inside other currently healthy tissues. This helps in reducing cancer cell spread in the body. Low kisspeptin levels have been found in various metastatic cancer types, including breast, bladder, gastrointestinal, prostate, pancreatic, ovarian, skin, and thyroid cancers [4, 5].

Melatonin Link and Cancer Prevention

A Study conducted in 2020 has shown a link between kisspeptin, melatonin, and cancer prevention. There, mice exposed to daylight showed high kisspeptin levels and low melatonin levels compared to the control group of mice which were kept in the dark. Despite the daylight-exposed mice experiencing increased tumor growth rates and volume, metastasis was not observed. This study reveals the potential of kisspeptin  and melatonin to suppress cancerous tumors [6].

Cognitive Benefits and Behavior

Kisspeptin 10 interacts with areas of the brain responsible for memory consolidation and 3-D space orientation abilities. In a study on mice which were administered kisspeptin peptides, the mice has been shown to be able to reverse learning and navigational impairment related to alcohol intoxication states [7]. Furthermore, Another study have shown that kisspeptin administration to healthy heterosexual men enhanced their limbic brain activity, increased reward-seeking behavior, and drive, and improved overall mood swings and states [8].

Kidney Health Effects

Kisspeptin 10 and its receptors are located in throughout the kidney organ. They have an important role in overall kidney health and healthy development by influencing kidney function signaling. Studies have demonstrated that nn mice, Kisspeptin was able to increase the growth of nerves and blood vessels within the kidney tissue. Additionally, kisspeptin may relate to blood vessel function in specific areas of the body such as the heart, and potentially contribute to lower tumor metastasis rate and scale [9, 10].

Kisspeptins and Neurokinin B

Kisspeptin10 and neurokinin B (NKB), encoded by the Kiss1 and TAC3/Tac2 genes, are incharge of the crucial reproductive milestones such as puberty onset. Non functional genes or kisspeptin receptors linked to these neuropeptides result in late sexual puberty  and infertility in both humans and rodents [17]. These neuropeptides, along with dynorphin A, are related in the arcuate nucleus as KNDy neurons, where NKB’s stimulatory effects on Luteinizing hormone release, mediated by auto-synaptic inputs, induce gonadotropin-releasing hormone GnRH secretion in a kisspeptin-dependent manner [17].

Kisspeptin and HCG

Kisspeptin10 is involved in regulating the reproductive axis and is important factor for initiating puberty on time, while HCG is a hormone produced in females during pregnancy to support and maintain early pregnancy. HCG mimics LH and FSH hormones, while Kisspeptin-10 is responsible for the production of GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) which will then increase LH and FSH in the body.

Abuse Warning

SARMs should only be used under the direct supervision and direction of a trained and licensed medical doctor or a designated research authority. Sarmful strongly discourages the use of SARMs for performance enhancement in fields of various sports such as bodybuilding and achievement sports, etc.

S4 is an investigational compound still undergoing research and NOT yet FDA approved, nor it is a dietary supplement. Sarmful is solely a research chemical supplier specializing in sourcing and quality control. We are not medical doctors. Sarmful discourages strongly against “bro science” and peer consensus when making decisions about human health.

We do not encourage or condone consumer use of SARMs products, they are for research purposes only.

References and Further Read

  1. Dhillo WS, Chaudhri OB, Patterson M, Thompson EL, Murphy KG, Badman MK, McGowan BM, Amber V, Patel S, Ghatei MA, Bloom SR. Kisspeptin-54 stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis in human males. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Dec;90(12):6609-15. doi: 10.1210/jc.2005-1468. Epub 2005 Sep 20. PMID: 16174713.
  2. George JT, Veldhuis JD, Roseweir AK, Newton CL, Faccenda E, Millar RP, Anderson RA. Kisspeptin-10 is a potent stimulator of LH and increases pulse frequency in men. J. Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Aug;96(8):E1228-36. doi: 10.1210/jc.2011-0089. Epub 2011 Jun 1. PMID: 21632807; PMCID: PMC3380939.
  3. Harter CJL, Kavanagh GS, Smith JT. The role of kisspeptin neurons in reproduction and metabolism. J Endocrinol. 2018 Sep;238(3):R173-R183. doi: 10.1530/JOE-18-0108. PMID: 30042117.
  4. Mead EJ, Maguire JJ, Kuc RE, Davenport AP. Kisspeptins: a multifunctional peptide system with a role in reproduction, cancer and the cardiovascular system. Br J Pharmacol. 2007 Aug;151(8):1143-53. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjp.0707295. Epub 2007 May 21. PMID: 17519946; PMCID: PMC2189831.
  5. Ly T, Harihar S, Welch DR. KISS1 in metastatic cancer research and treatment: potential and paradoxes. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2020 Sep;39(3):739-754. doi: 10.1007/s10555-020-09868-9. PMID: 32152912; PMCID: PMC7483209.
  6. Pazarci P, Kaplan H, Alptekin D, Yilmaz M, Lüleyap U, Singirik E, Pelit A, Kasap H, Yegani A. The effects of daylight exposure on melatonin levels, Kiss1 expression, and melanoma formation in mice. Croat Med J. 2020 Feb 29;61(1):55-61. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2020.61.55. PMID: 32118379; PMCID: PMC7063558.
  7. Gibula-Tarlowska E, Kotlinska JH. Kissorphin improves spatial memory and cognitive flexibility impairment induced by ethanol treatment in the Barnes maze task in rats. Behav Pharmacol. 2020 Apr;31(2&3):272-282. doi: 10.1097/FBP.0000000000000557. PMID: 32168027.
  8. Comninos AN, Wall MB, Demetriou L, Shah AJ, Clarke SA, Narayanaswamy S, Nesbitt A, Izzi-Engbeaya C, Prague JK, Abbara A, Ratnasabapathy R, Salem V, Nijher GM, Jayasena CN, Tanner M, Bassett P, Mehta A, Rabiner EA, Hönigsperger C, Silva MR, Brandtzaeg OK, Lundanes E, Wilson SR, Brown RC, Thomas SA, Bloom SR, Dhillo WS. Kisspeptin modulates sexual and emotional brain processing in humans. J Clin Invest. 2017 Feb 1;127(2):709-719. doi: 10.1172/JCI89519. Epub 2017 Jan 23. PMID: 28112678; PMCID: PMC5272173.
  9. Dudek M, Ziarniak K, Sliwowska JH. Kisspeptin and Metabolism: The Brain and Beyond. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2018 Apr 16;9:145. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00145. PMID: 29713310; PMCID: PMC5911457.
  10. Ciaramella V, Della Corte CM, Di Mauro C, Tomassi S, Di Maro S, Troiani T, Martinelli E, Bianco R, Cosconati S, Pierantoni R, Meccariello R, Chianese R, Ciardiello F, Morgillo F. Antitumor efficacy of Kisspeptin in human malignant mesothelioma cells. Oncotarget. 2018 Apr 10;9(27):19273-19282. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.25018. PMID: 29721201; PMCID: PMC5922395.
  11. Jayasena CN, Nijher GM, Comninos AN, Abbara A, Januszewki A, Vaal ML, Sriskandarajah L, Murphy KG, Farzad Z, Ghatei MA, Bloom SR, Dhillo WS. The effects of kisspeptin-10 on reproductive hormone release show sexual dimorphism in humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Dec;96(12):E1963-72. doi: 10.1210/jc.2011-1408. Epub 2011 Oct 5. PMID: 21976724; PMCID: PMC3232613.
  12. Hu KL, Chen Z, Deng W, Li X, Ju L, Yang H, Zhang H, Mu L. Diagnostic Value of Kisspeptin Levels on Early Pregnancy Outcome: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Reprod Sci. 2022 Dec;29(12):3365-3372. doi: 10.1007/s43032-022-00856-8. Epub 2022 Feb 25. PMID: 35212930.
  13. Ahmed, A. E., Saito, H., Sawada, T., Yaegashi, T., Yamashita, T., Hirata, T. I., … & Hashizume, T. (2009). Characteristics of the stimulatory effect of kisspeptin-10 on the secretion of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and growth hormone in prepubertal male and female cattle. Journal of Reproduction and Development55(6), 650-654.
  14. Zhang, C., Roepke, T. A., Kelly, M. J., & Rønnekleiv, O. K. (2008). Kisspeptin depolarizes gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons through activation of TRPC-like cationic channels. Journal of Neuroscience28(17), 4423-4434.
  15. Han SY, McLennan T, Czieselsky K, Herbison AE. Selective optogenetic activation of arcuate kisspeptin neurons generates pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Oct 20;112(42):13109-14. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1512243112. Epub 2015 Oct 6. PMID: 26443858; PMCID: PMC4620857.
  16. Gottsch ML, Clifton DK Steiner RA. Kisspepeptin-GPR54 signaling in the neuroendocrine reproductive axis. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2006 Jul 25;254-255:91-6. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2006.04.030. Epub 2006 Jun 8. PMID: 16762492.
  17. Navarro VM. Interactions between kisspeptins and neurokinin B. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2013;784:325-47. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6199-9_15. PMID: 23550013; PMCID: PMC3858905.

